Getting back into the grove

So the past few weeks have been kind of busy, went to Atlanta for a few days and got to visit my sister in law and her family! It was great to see the kids... Here's a pic of "Uncle dude" and Nolan hanging out! While we were down there Stacey, my sister in law gifted me with a pretty large canvas, I'm super stoked, but still not sure on what to paint. I rarely do large paintings... Here is a cartoon I'm working on, thinking of making her look kinda vintage, Gothic, Elvira like! Spider webs and roses will be added...I've really been trying to do some more drawing, letting my creative juices flow and come up with some really great ideas. One I have and I do have to give credit to Ben's little brother Johnathan, but I'm thinking of doing a cartoon Indian zombie girl...we shall see! Well I'll leave you with a picture of the weather we have had up here for the past week, also a picture of a homemade mothers day card I made!